A Garden of Beliefs

In the depths of my unconscious live the negative core beliefs that have had a tendency to run many parts of my life and I have done much work in identifying and rooting them out. They are the weeds that, unattended, grow rampantly. Yet I also need to focus on and enjoy the beautiful plants and flowers coming into bloom – those positive core beliefs which support and guide my life.

A positive belief is really more than an affirmation. An affirmation you might use in response to something that isn’t working, or that you want to create – e.g. – “I am now healthy, in every way”, when you have an illness. However, a deeper belief, such as “I am not enough” that is contributing to the illness, can still predominate. The affirmation can help direct energy away from that deeper belief and allow enough light to begin a healing process for both the illness and the core belief.

Better yet, is to identify those powerful beliefs that are rooted in the Essence of the Life Force we all are, and focus on them.

I found an old photo of my garden, and created this collage to remind me.


What do you KNOW?

Stopping to think about beliefs that support me and create all that is good in my life, is very interesting. I don’t need convincing of their truth. I just KNOW. I don’t need to explain, it is just something that is a basic truth for me. Some general positive beliefs we all have might be: I know the sun will come up in the morning, and it will set at night, whether or not I can see it: I know gravity keeps me from flying off the planet and out into space: I know that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Other beliefs may be a little more subjective, but I know by how they feel in my body, mind and soul, that they are true for me. I know I am a part of the Universe having a planet earth experience. I know this moment is all there is, that the past lives only in my mind, as does the future. I know what I see is but a projection of me.

I Am

i-am-loveable‘I Am’ is perhaps the most powerful belief of all. Mind can understand ‘I Am’ as it chooses, but in reality I Am simply confirms my existence. I Am. I am not a role I may play nor any other description you can place upon me. I simply Am. And of course any attempt to describe or explain I Am immediately puts it into the realm of mind which isn’t the truth of I am at all, but merely a pointer to the truth of who I am. But we live in a world of words so this will suffice for now.

I like to think of each positive belief that I truly believe to have come from my Inner Being, as a seed of creation. When that seed is watered and nurtured and cared for, in due time, it will push new shoots up from the soil of my unconscious and begin the process of growing into its full potential. It is up to me, the gardener, to ensure that possibility.

Last week I wrote about primary and secondary purposes. Sometimes it can be difficult to know our secondary purpose or to clearly identify dreams of our hearts due to negative beliefs that cloud our vision. When you place your focus on beliefs that are rooted in the Essence of who you really are, the energy from that focus and those beliefs can help dissolve that cloud.

True Beliefs Resonate

Beliefs from our Essence create a powerful resonance within us which can raise our level of vibration enormously. Sometimes it takes just a little boost to help us redirect our thoughts and feelings and actions and to set us in a new direction.

I find it helps to have reminders as I go through my day and to that end, I set the background on my computer to a folder of these photo inspirations I have created. It works wonders.

What are the beliefs that are growing in your garden that support and ground you? Are you nurturing them so they may flourish in their natural beauty? Are there some that could do with more attention? Maybe some of whose existence you aren’t even aware? How could you bring them more to the forefront of your awareness during your day.













