Contributing to Evolution

Did you ever consider that since you are an expression of the Universe, a child of God, a wave in the ocean of consciousness, that the actions you take in your life contribute to evolution? That as you awaken and become aware of yourself as an eternal being having a physical life experience, so too Presence evolves just a little more.

It is so easy to get lost in our every day activities and what needs to be done we tend to forget there is a bigger picture. This is why spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, etc. are so important. They connect us to the Source and remind us who we really are. These practices also help us to remember as we move through our days that experiences can be powerful learning and growing opportunities. And every learning, no matter how big or how small, contributes to the awakening process. We become more aware as time goes on of the truth of ourselves as beings in human form.

‘Aha’ Moments All Help

I stopped to consider evolution recently. I realized that every little ‘aha’ moment I experience actually contributes to the whole of life on planet earth. All thought is energy. Every little awakening any of us experience is an awakening of consciousness.

Every negative belief and behavior that arises to the surface of our awareness, and that we recognize as being a part of the duality of planet earth and not who we really are, contributes to the evolution of Life Itself. When we become aware of a part of us that has been buried in false belief, we shine the light of awareness on who we really are. And we contribute to evolution.

We Help Life Express Through Us

Life Itself then has an opportunity to express more fully through our expanded awareness. The more Life Itself can express through us, the more we contribute to evolution, to the awakening of the planet, and the more there is a space and freedom for the planet to heal herself and the life that lives on her.

We can then see that the lives we live consciously are not limited to their physical forms and actions. The people we know and interact with on a daily basis are also an infinite network of a giant awakening process. The lives we live do matter. They all matter, and they matter a lot, far more than we realize.

“The universe wants to become more conscious and the main purpose for all human beings is to come into alignment with that universal consciousness …Entering into conscious alignment with universal consciousness is an amazing evolutionary leap”. Eckhart Tolle from the foreword in The Leap – The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening by Steve Taylor









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