Where Are You Looking?

It’s long been said – as you think so you are. Your thoughts are magnetic, and they attract more and more of where you place the majority of your thinking. Just look around you to assess where your thinking is focused. I read a good article recently about how racing car drivers NEVER look at…

Moving Out of Duality

Planet Earth is a dimension of duality. Cold/hot, good/bad, light/dark, despot/saint, lazy/motivated, anxious/calm, angry/serene, night/day, right/wrong, and on and on. The opposites are endless and we tend to live our lives in these opposites, which are often aspects of the personality, the mind we have developed throughout our lives. Many of us are on an…

The Morning After!

It felt like the worst hangover I could ever have experienced, waking up the next morning to an America with a president-elect called Donald Trump. How could this be, in a world that I had seen as basically good and decent and honorable? How could hate, racism, misogyny, injustice and small mindedness win the presidency…

Setting Dreams Free

Many years ago I used and taught a technique that helps to make dreams come true. I call it The Pink Bubble. I came across it again recently and remembered how powerful it was. Here’s the ‘recipe’. Take something really close to your heart that you would like to be living more fully – something…

Is it True?

Living in the present moment is living in a world without stories, a world without attachment to thinking that says things and people should or shouldn’t be a certain way. This kind of thinking lives in the unconscious realm of learned beliefs about life, learned brain tracks. These are the stories we tell ourselves, and…

A Garden of Beliefs

In the depths of my unconscious live the negative core beliefs that have had a tendency to run many parts of my life and I have done much work in identifying and rooting them out. They are the weeds that, unattended, grow rampantly. Yet I also need to focus on and enjoy the beautiful plants…

Life Purposes

Eckhart Tolle talks of our life purpose as being in reality two life purposes – a primary life purpose and a secondary life purpose. The primary purpose is to awaken; to awaken from the illusion of this world of the mind to the true reality of being; to be able to recognize thoughts as being…

Rolling in Ecstasy.

I seem to keep coming back to this quote, so I guess it has a continuing message. “You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet, still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it…

Looking Beyond.

“The world I see is but a projection of me”. Wonderful words to remind me of who I really am when I get sucked into “them” or the outside world as being separate from me, especially if there is a strong emotional reaction to my view of “them”. I can blame everyone and everything in…

Falling Off My Wagon!

Just as in alcoholism/drug addiction/compulsive overeating/smoking/tv watching or any other addiction, there can be an addiction to thinking, to living in the mind. I wake up to this when stress grows and my sense of connectedness with Life Itself disappears. I stop doing the routines that work for me and drift into unconsciousness. My priorities…

The Present Moment Cure

Falling into old patterns again and again – and going unconscious – brought me today to a place where I think a commitment to simply living in the present moment is all that is needed. That and allowing the brain tracks that surface, to be there. The process of becoming conscious is straight forward; mind…

What Does Life Want From Me?

“Instead of asking, “What do I want from life?”, a more powerful question is, “What does life want from me? – Eckhart Tolle”. I have long believed that the greatest journey of all is the exploration of the mind. This journey takes us into the imaginable and the unimaginable, the known and the unknown, the…


How true am I able to be to the Essence within that I Am? Not to the personality and all its learned brain tracks, but to the me that was, is and always will be? Knowing this ‘me’ is a lifetime challenge, and is vital in the journey to freedom from any kind of addiction,…

Getting into Alignment

What does it means to get into alignment with the Life Essence I Am in order to be free to create from my heart’s desire? It’s one thing to have a idea/vision and often quite another to bring that dream into reality. In 1992 I wrote and had published, a book called “DreamQuest – How…