To Derail or Not? A Choice

 We can’t have it both ways. We can’t live in worry and doubt, feel guilt and stress, AND be in alignment with the Universe creating our goals and dreams. Let’s say I have a goal/dream I am pursuing. Let’s say this goal/dream is truly from my heart and in alignment with the Life Essence I…

Alcatraz – the Supreme Prison of Mind.

Whenever I feel like my life it isn’t working it is because I am living in this Alcatraz of a mind prison. Through the cracks of this armor which I wear so unconsciously, shine brief glimpses of freedom in the form of peace, stillness and very occasional moments of Life Itself writing words through my…

Happy 2016 Dream Creating.

“You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet, still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.” ― Franz Kafka Consciously creating your…

Core Desired Feelings

I recently read and experienced Danielle La Porte’s book on desire mapping. (The Desire Map – Sounds True – 2014). In it she takes you through an in-depth process to discover, or uncover, your core desired feelings which you then use as a base for your whole life. Instead of deciding from the mind what…

Life Force and Your Work.

How much Presence/Life Force/Essence flows through your work every day, whether you are a business owner or employee, a homemaker or retired, or other? Without some awareness of who you really are, your workday, while it may be productive, can never bring you true fulfillment. When you begin your day with a conscious connection to…

WHAT EXACTLY does your happiness depend on?

Any of these?                                 Things ‘working’ in your life? Getting a ‘To Do’ list accomplished? People speaking/doing/acting in particular ways? (A biggie – as if you can control what others say and do). YOU speaking/doing/acting in particular ways? The weather? Where you live? Your job/business? Knowing something/not knowing something? How much money you have/don’t have? Being…

Celebrating My Jazzy’s Life.

I picked up my beloved Jazzy’s ashes from the vet last week. I was dreading doing this. It wasn’t easy. But once the beautiful, little carved wooden box was sitting on the seat beside me I felt a little better. I guess it was an element of closure. I sat on the river bank that…

Now You Are Gone!

Jazzy – My Cocker Spaniel Buddy. Heart of my heart, light of my life – you are gone. On May 21st, 2015, you left this world of form to return to Oneness. Your light shines on, eternally, but oh how I miss that form.  For 14 1/2 years you graced my life with your presence.…

Infinite Possibilities

When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life. – Eckhart Tolle Such an awesome statement. There comes a time when you find yourself at a crossroads, perhaps with many different options, but all of them requiring the traditional leap of faith into the unknown. Of course, this place brings up…

Allowing Presence

In your everyday life it is good to practice simply allowing – allowing Life to decide every little decision by just being aware of Life as it flows through you and then taking the next step. Allow from when to get up and do your morning routines, to everything that ‘happens’ during the day –…

Planning From Presence

My day stretches out in front of me – a brand new day just waiting for me to experience its magic. Or is it? Those days when I have no particularly inspiring plans and/or a huge ‘to do’ list, can cause more frozen moments in time. If mind is dominating, it looks at all the…

Frozen in Time

Sometimes, it feels as if a foul wind has suddenly blown the door wide open into my mind and body and imprisoned me in negative feelings and thoughts. All my well-intentioned plans for my day – or my life – disappear into a haze of ‘I can’t be bothered/I feel terrible’. My focus becomes extremely…

Why Are You Lost?

“You are free and that is why you are lost”. ( What does it mean to you to be free? Does it mean freedom from the ever-growing responsibilities in your life, or does it mean to live in a free country where you can say and think and do and be whatever you choose –…